Our Approach to Estate Planning

Coordination and Care

If you have attended one of our seminars or workshops, or have been referred here by a friend, you know one thing for sure, we care. With over twenty-five years in this unique industry, we have great experience and wisdom about the circumstances our clients typically face. For over two decades, we have assisted nearly 2,000 clients and their families.

We strive to preserve and protect our client’s estate, coordinate their assets, and where appropriate, consolidate and simplify their financial affairs. One of the added benefits of our approach is our ability to help our clients and their beneficiaries prepare for the challenges posed by retirement. We can offer strategies to minimize taxes, maximize social security benefits, guarantee they will not outlive their income, and teach them how to gain the upside potential like investing in the stock market, while eliminating the downside risks to their estate.

An estate plan developed for our clients, prepared in concert with an expert elder care estate planning tax attorney we know and trust, is designed to stand alone and not depend on any future advice or assistance from us.

We offer continuing service, periodic reviews as needed, and advice where appropriate at no additional charge. Through our commitment to care, we aim for lifetime clients. We offer free assistance in helping our clients and their beneficiaries settle their estate. We hope that by providing this complimentary service, we will earn your family’s business as well.

The team at Legacy Estate Planning Coordinators believes that if you and your family succeed, we succeed.

Legacy EPC's Story

Experience born from a place of need.

Due to a terminal illness, I watched my Grandmother transition from a healthy, vibrant matriarch of our family, to a fragile and quiet woman of inner strength. My heart was heavy with sadness as she lost the desire and ability to do many things she loved. At the time, I had no idea how difficult most simple tasks had become. I stepped in to help.  It was then that I realized how much needed to be done to organize and simplify her affairs.

I coordinated her estate in a way that allowed her to remain in control. The day came when we said good-bye to my Grandmom for the last time. In the grief of our loss, I had no idea that more turmoil was to come.  The “to do” list was exhausting, confusing and overwhelming. The family arguments about what Grandmom wanted were endless, and there was no one to call for help.  Of course, for $300 or $400 an hour I could call an attorney. – Thus an Estate Planner was born.